UBUNTU COUNSELLING SERVICES is a not-for-profit multicultural Counselling Social Enterprise service based in Devon covering The South West of England
Aims of the Social Enterprise
To provide a holistic and evidence-based, multicultural counselling service for all communities across Devon and wider population.
We deliver counselling and practical support in a person’s mother tongue and can offer support in other languages through trained and culturally sensitive interpreters in partnership with Multilingua Devon
We have accredited professional and volunteer counsellors, and through partnership working, to a team of multi-lingual cross-cultural support workers and volunteers who deliver support to clients. We also utilise Clinical Psychology and Social Work students. We work closely with partners from the many groups and organisations in our localities.
Our multicultural model of counselling is Humanistic and Integrative. In this we respect the unique ability of each person to find his or her own solution and recognise the need to provide a range of proven skills to facilitate this process.
“As an Organisational Member of BACP we are bound by its Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy, the Ethical Guidelines for Researching Counselling and Psychotherapy (Where organisations undertake research) and subject to the Professional Conduct Procedure for the time being in force”. https://www.bacp.co.uk/ethical_framework/
We are committed to developing opportunities for a greater number of people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities to take on professional roles in health and social care.
In our drive and commitment to life-long learning and continuing professional development (CPD), we are developing training packages, and will consider developing modular and degree courses in cross cultural and Multicultural Counselling as well as research opportunities in partnership with the mental health Trust and local universities.
Our Values are rooted in the concept of UBUNTU summed up by the values of the Holistic Map Project:
Inclusion and Respect: We welcome diversity of belief, faith, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, intellect, ability and age – and value the unique contribution of every individual.
Environment: We recognise the sacred interdependence of all life and behave so as to protect the health and sustainability of our natural environment now and for future generations.
Spirituality: We recognize spirituality to be a normal and healthy part of daily life, as people experience the wonder of nature and all creation; and we celebrate the many paths that explore this wonder and its meaning.
Relationships: At home, at work and in our communities, we are committed to respectful, loving and positive relationships.
Life Style: We maintain a life-style and gain our incomes in ways that benefit and do no harm.
Global and Local Citizenship: We actively engage to build community, alleviate injustice and relieve suffering; and deplore any situation that limits the rights, development and fulfilment of any being.
Self-Responsibility: We are actively committed to managing our own health and development; and we value life as an ongoing process of learning.
(The original is at: https://www.holisticmap.org/about/values.htm)
- To provide multicultural psychotherapeutic services (mainly short-term, approx. 8-16 sessions), suited to BAME communities and the wider population
- To work alongside community networks so as to ensure cultural sensitivity and accessibility
- To link seamlessly with statutory services, including NHS and GPs so as to facilitate easy referral both ways
- To continue to develop the service so as to meet BME community needs and facilitate access to other services and resources where these are available
- To research and collect evidence of the mental health needs of various BME communities in Devon, the South West and further afield
- To monitor and evaluate the service so that it remains relevant and responsive to need and operates effectively and efficiently